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EU btw nummer formats

Elk EU-land heeft een iets ander formaat voor zijn btw-nummer systeem, met een variatie van cijfers en letters. Het is belangrijk dat bedrijven zorgvuldig het juiste format gebruiken, aangezien de nummers vaak worden gecontroleerd met het VIES-systeem, en fouten kunnen leiden tot vertragingen of zelfs boetes. Landencodes, twee letters, worden vóór het btw-nummer ingevoegd als het bedrijf het nummer gebruikt voor intracommunautaire handel.

Land Landcode Format Tekens Opmerkingen
Austria AT U12345678 9 characters 9 characters the first character is always a ‘U’
Belgium BE 1234567890 10 characters Prefix with zero ‘0’ if the customer provides a 9 digit VAT number
Bulgaria BG 123456789, 1234567890 9 or 10 characters  
Croatia HR 12345678901 11 characters  
Cyprus CY 12345678X 9 characters The last character must always be a letter  
Czech Republic CZ 12345678 123456789 1234567890 8, 9 or 10 characters If more than 10 characters are provided delete the first 3  
Denmark DK 12345678 8 characters  
Estonia EE 123456789 9 characters  
Finland FI 12345678 8 characters  
France FR 12345678901 X1234567890 1X123456789 XX123456789 11 characters May include alphabetical characters (any except O or I) as first or second or first and second characters.  
Germany DE 123456789 9 characters  
Greece EL 123456789 9 characters  
Hungary HU 12345678 8 characters  
Ireland IE 1234567WA (companies) 1234567FA (individuals) 8 or 9 characters Includes one or two alphabetical characters (last, or second and last, or last 2)  
Italy IT 12345678901 11 characters  
Latvia LV 12345678901 11 characters  
Lithuania LT 123456789 123456789012 9 or 12 characters  
Luxembourg LU 12345678 8 characters  
Malta MT 12345678 8 characters  
Netherlands NL 123456789B01 or 123456789BO2 12 characters. The 10th character is always B Companies forming a VAT Group have the suffix BO2
Norway (non-EU)   123456789MVA 9 digits and the letters 'MVA' to indicate VAT registration Last (ninth) digit is a MOD11 checksum digit.[20]
Poland PL 1234567890 10 characters  
Portugal PT 123456789 9 characters  
Romania RO 1234567890 10 characters  
Slovakia SK 1234567890 10 characters  
Slovenia SI 12345678 8 characters  
Spain ES X12345678 12345678X X1234567X 9 characters Includes 1 or 2 alphabetical characters (first or last or first and last)  
Sweden SE 123456789012 12 characters  
Switzerland (non-EU) CHE 123.456.789 9 numbers plus MWST/TVA/IVA German part: MWST 
French part: TVA
Italian part: IVA